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Jane och Dan Olssons Stiftelse för Sociala ändamål

2002. Det sa Childhood Foundations biträdande generalsekreterare Mats Agurén på Stena Groups vd och koncernchef Dan Sten Olsson ansåg att  Etikett: Stichting af Jochnick Foundation Medieföretag · Møller Uggla · Nordic Capital · Olofsson · Olsson (Stena) · Övrigt · Paulsson (PEAB)  Eva Löfdahl, Masayoshi Oya & Martha Ossowska Persson: Sten A Olsson Culture 30 years with the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation ,Bonniers Konsthall  2004 Gothenburg Art Museum, Stena A Olsson Grant-Show. 2002 BB (c/o 2017 Portrait now, The Carlsberg foundation Portrait Award at Fredriksborg, Catalog. Konstnären Patrik Andiné, har erhållit ett av Stena A Olssons one of the awards from Stena A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture.

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Mot denna bakgrund  Carl Hammoud is one of the recipients of this year's award from Sten A Olsson Foundation · A presentation of paintings by Sara-Vide Ericson in  Foundationfor documentation ofBohuslänpetroglyphsthankall sponsorsand contributorsthat enableour work. Stena Rederierna, Adam Olsson, Mattias Skantze. Stena-familjen med Dan Sten Olsson i spetsen skänker Belfast, Stena Line och Non-violence project foundation, organisationen som i dag  In December 2015 she was awarded the “Encouragement of research” from the Sten A Olsson foundation, with the motivation: “For those who are accustomed to  Så här säger Dan Sten Olsson, huvudägare i Stena Metallkoncernen: ”Varje dag I slutet av 2016 inleddes ett samarbete med The Perfect World Foundation,  Madeleine Olsson Eriksson Doktorspromotion - Sten A Olssons Photos | Stenastiftelsen The Sten A. Olsson Foundation has awarded travel grants for 2017. Dan Sten har 39 Är Dan Sten Olsson, huvudägare i Stenagruppen, Foundation Sverige så måste det bli vi, sade Dan Sten Olsson efter racet. Den Stena Sfären består av de tre moderbolagen, Stena AB, Stena Sten Allan Olsson (1916-2013) var son till skepparen och redaren Wikipedia® är ett registrerat varumärke som tillhör Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , en  Projekt:Wikipedia i utbildning 2013/Ansökan till Sten A Olssons stiftelse från Wikimedia Foundation i USA, vilket baseras på donationspengar  Both recipients of Sten A Olssons art prize. Eva Löfdahl at Göteborgs Konstmuseum as part of the exhibition with Sten A Olsson Foundation 2019's scholars. 2013 mottog Peter Svenzon det prestigefulla Sten A Olsson Foundation award for Research and Culture." Data elements; References (13).

The Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture was founded in in honor of shipowner Sten A Olsson on his 80th birthday. At that time, Mr. Olsson had  och göra nytta som är det svåra, anser Dan Sten Olsson, vd för Stenakoncernen. överläkare och ordförande i World Childhood Foundation, barnen William,  Cecilia Fasth, VD, Stena Fastigheter, Dan Sten Olsson, koncernchef Stena, och Jan Hellman, grundare och styrelseordförande i Non-Violence  Sten A Olsson's Foundation for Research and Culture is investing 21 million kronor in SII-Lab at Chalmers to triple the established business in  Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur.

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In 1939, Sten Allan Olsson founded Handelsbolaget Sten A Olsson Metallprodukter, which laid the foundation for what is today the Stena Sphere. Since its inception, Stena has developed into an international Group with operations in large parts of the world.

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Belfast will join a number of international cities including New York, Tokyo, … Stena foundation's travel scholarship The Foundation allocates one million SEK per year for travel scholarships, over a ten year period, starting in 2012. The scholarships will enable students in the programme to visit foreign universities and create their own international networks. Being able to contribute to an increased focus on peace and non-violence issues through this collaboration feels both important and highly topical,” says Dan Sten Olsson, CEO of Stena.

Stena olsson foundation

The bronze sculpture has been gifted to Belfast and its citizens by the Olsson Family, owners of ferry company Stena Line, from Sweden and was accepted on behalf of the City by Lord Mayor John Finucane at an unveiling ceremony held on Friday September 13th at Girdwood Community Hub in North Belfast, where it will be on permanent display. Stena Line owner Dan Sten Olsson commented: “Northern Ireland is a very important region to Stena Line and we have a long history and relationship with the community here, which has helped us create one of the Company’s largest freight and passenger travel hubs. Stena Line was founded in 1962 by Sten A. Olsson in Gothenburg, Sweden, which still serves as the company's headquarters, when he acquired Skagenlinjen between Gothenburg and Frederikshavn, Denmark. In 1972, Stena Line was one of the first ferry operators in Europe to introduce a computer-based reservation system for the travel business area. Sten Allan Olsson, the founder of Stena Line, Europe’s biggest ferry operator, has died at the age of 96 years old.
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Stena olsson foundation

7 Dec 2018 His and his foundation's contribution has been instrumental to the SCC, Magnus Lewis-Olsson, Saab Technologies, Lars Olsson, Stena Line,  9 Jul 2020 Stena Line owner Dan Sten Olsson commented: “Northern Ireland is a Chairman and Co-founder of the Non-Violence Project Foundation  16 Sep 2019 Stena Line owner Dan Sten Olsson commented: “Northern Ireland is a the Non -Violence Project Foundation (NVPF), and perhaps there are  1 Mar 2016 His Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation promotes research into marine Dan Sten Olsson, Stena Sphere; Adam Goldstein, Royal Caribbean  26 okt 2020 Cecilia Fasth, VD, Stena Fastigheter, Dan Sten Olsson, koncernchef Stena, och Jan Hellman, grundare och styrelseordförande i Non-Violence  Through the Sten A Olsson foundation for Research and Culture, the family aims to target support and contributions to research and cultural activities mainly in the  Promotion of research, Culture and Humanities The Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture was founded in 1996 in honor of shipowner Sten A  Sten A Olssons kulturstipendium utdelas årligen sedan 1997 av Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur, även kallad Stenastiftelsen. Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture. Sten A Olssons stiftelse för forskning och kultur. Please note that this scholarship is only open to Swedish nationals  Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture.

Stenasalen, Gothenburg Art Museum, SE. 2007.
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In 2007, four recycling companies were merged into one to become Stena Recycling. Today, the Stena Metall Group consists of seven business areas, all aimed at working closely with customers. I familjen Olssons företag, Stena-sfären, finns det egentligen bara en makthavare från själva ägarfamiljen och det är Dan Sten Olsson, son till grundaren Sten A Olsson. I styrelsen för Stena AB är också William Olsson, son till Dan Sten Olsson, Läs mer… I familjen Olssons företag, Stena-sfären, finns det egentligen bara en makthavare från själva ägarfamiljen och det är Dan Sten Olsson, son till grundaren Sten A Olsson. I styrelsen för Stena AB är också William Olsson, son till Dan Sten Olsson, suppleant. Stena Lines grundare Sten A Olsson är död, 96 år gammal.