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EU 2017/ 948 - EUR-Lex

Put simply: a new standardised procedure for measuring consumption and emissions that was agreed by the EU member states in the summer of 2016. It is intended to provide customers with a more realistic image of a vehicle’s fuel Under conditions defined by EU law, the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) laboratory test is used to measure fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from passenger cars as well as their pollutant emissions.. The old lab test – called the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) – was designed in the 1980s. Due to evolutions in technology and driving conditions, it became outdated. The new WLTP test aims to provide more accurate comparable vehicle data that better reflects realistic driving conditions.

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How does the WLTP work? The WLTP driving cycle is divided into four parts with different average speeds: low, medium, high and extra high. Each part contains a   5 Nov 2018 The WLTP is designed around lab testing still but the intention is that the test should be more reflective of real-world driving. Thus, it covers  15 Mai 2019 WLTP înlocuiește vehicul NEDC (New European Driving Cycle), un sistem de Testul WLTP implică 30 de minute timp de testare pe stand.

It will succeed the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle), which has been in force since 1992.

Ny bilskattetabell från och med september för bilar som

The old lab test – called the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) – was designed in the 1980s. Due to evolutions in technology and driving conditions, it became outdated. The new WLTP test aims to provide more accurate comparable vehicle data that better reflects realistic driving conditions.


Ändringen av mätningsmetoden inverkar inte på det  Vehicles Test Procedure, WLTP), som fastställs i kommissionens förordning (EU) C(2017) 3521 (2), kommer att ersätta den nya europeiska. NEDC-värdena kommer i själva verket att användas för att bedöma de genomsnittliga utsläppen hos bilar registrerade i EU fram till 2020. Dessutom kan vissa  Nu har EU slagit ned på fuskarna, som kan tvingas testa om sina bilar. Med den gamla testcykeln NEDC var biltillverkarnas angivna  Ett syfte med WLTP är att säkerställa att nya bilar inte släpper ut mer koldioxid än vad EU-kommissionen bestämde att varje testkörning ska göras på snålast  WLTP-testet (Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) används nu för typgodkännande av nya personbilar i EU. Från och med 1 januari 2020 har WLTP (Worldwide Light Vehicles Test Procedure) alla nya bilar som tillverkas i EU, Schweiz och Turkiet vara WLTP-testade. Hösten 2017 ersatte WLTP den tidigare testproceduren NEDC. Det nya testet 2010 producerades 4,72 miljarder ton CO2-ustläpp bara av EU-länderna. Av det  Corsa-e-räckvidden mätt under WLTP är upp till 337 km*.

Eu wltp test

Besides EU countries, WLTP is the standard fuel economy and emission test also for India, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the WLTP ties in with Regulation (EC) 2009/443 to verify that a manufacturer’s new sales-weighted fleet does not emit more CO 2 on average than the target set by the European Union, which is currently set at 95 g of CO The WLTP laboratory test is used to measure fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from passenger cars, as well as their pollutant emissions. But what is the purpose of these measurements?
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Eu wltp test

Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) measures are gradually rolled out across the European Union and other regions worldwide. Den tidigare testnormen hette NEDC (New European Driving Cycle). samtliga fordon som säljs inom EU skall vara certifierade enligt WLTP.

13 Dec 2017 Anul 2017, 1 septembrie. După o lungă perioadă de cercetare, teste şi negocieri între autorităţi, ONG-uri şi constructori de autovehicule, a venit  22 Jul 2019 WLTP stands for worldwide harmonised light vehicle test procedure.
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WLTP, som står för Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure, körs i laboratorium på dynamometer (ofta kallad dyno) enligt tre olika körcykelklassificeringar beroende på motoreffekt i relation till fordonets tjänstevikt, så kallade WLTC-körcykler (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycles). Regulation (EU) 2018/1832 modifies some technical aspects of the WLTP test procedure as set out in Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 (for example the Gear Shift calculation procedure, the ATCT procedure, etc.) and adds some new requirements (for example the check of the validity of a driving test, by means of the Driving Trace Indices, and the (3) By Regulation (EU) 2017/1151, a new regulatory test procedure implementing the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) was introduced into Union legislation. The WLTP contains stricter and more detailed conditions for the execution of the emissions tests at type approval. WLTP is short for the snappily titled Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure and is the name for the EU's new fuel efficiency ratings for all petrol, diesel, electric and hybrid cars.