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Det svenska covid-19 experimentet: funderingar av en
Lancet. 2020 Oct 8;S0140-6736(20)32117-6. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32117-6. Online ahead of print. Authors Juliet Bedford 1 , Delia Enria 2 , Johan Giesecke 3 , David L Heymann 4 , Chikwe Ihekweazu 5 , Gary Kobinger 6 , H Clifford Lane 7 , Ziad A Memish 8 This interview by Freddie Sayers of Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, who is an advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Sweden’s strategy), is worth 35 minutes of your lockdown viewing time.He lays out Sweden’s thinking. The flattening of the curve we are seeing now is due to the most vulnerable dying At the nearly the same time I posted yesterday, The Lancet published this editorial from Swedish epidemiologist Prof Johan Giesecke.
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Johan Gieseckes fru Kajsa Giesecke har startat andningssjukhuset Remeo Jag har pratat med Folkhälsomyndigheten, som är avvaktande, men inte kan säga om det här betydelse - men bett Giesecke komplettera. av J Giesecke — Johan Giesecke, M Sc, MD, PhD Giesecke J. Surveillance of infectious disease in the European Union. Lancet 1996; 348; 1534. - McCarthy 80 forskare, däribland KI:s Kristina Alexandersson, undertecknade ett brev till The Lancet där de varnar för idén om flockimmunitet. Expressen resonerade om Johan Giesecke, rådgivare åt WHO och tidigare statsepidemiolog, i en uppmärksammad artikel i den vetenskapliga tidskriften The Lancet.
doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30673-5. Epub 2020 Mar 17. 2020-06-13 The index case, however, is the patient in an outbreak who is first noticed by the health authorities, and who makes them aware that an outbreak might be emerging.
Corona: Johan Giesecke: Alla kommer att smittas av viruset
Trots detta har han inte deklarerat intressekonflikter och undanhållit uppgifter – både från sin uppdragsgivare Folkhälsomyndigheten och den ansedda vetenskapstidskriften The Lancet. I den ansedda tidskriften The Lancet publicerade Giesecke ett kraftfullt försvar, som framhärdade i att den svenska strategin var den överlägset bästa och att i princip alla andra hade fel, inkluderande WHO. The index case, however, is the patient in an outbreak who is first noticed by the health authorities, and who makes them aware that an outbreak might be emerging. Even outbreaks of disease that is not spread from human to human, such as Legionnaire's disease, might have an index case.
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- Giesecke J. Surveillance of infectious disease in the European Union. Lancet 1996; 348; 1534. - McCarthy N, Giesecke J. Case-case comparisons to study causation of common infectious diseases.
1996 Mar 2;347(9001):587-94. doi: 10.1016/ s0140-6736(96)91278-7.
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The politics of PHEIC. Lancet 2019; 393: 2470. 3 WHO. Strengthening health security by Johan Giesecke Subject: The Lancet, Corrected proof doi:10 Giesecke was Sweden's state epidemiologist between 1995 and 2005. He is considered a mentor to Anders Tegnell, who took on the role in 2013. In August, emails between the two men from as early as
Läkartidningen, 96 (17). Girlich The Lancet Infectious. Diseases, 13(2):155–165.
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Author Johan Giesecke 1 Affiliation 1 Karolinska Institute, SE- 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden. Electronic address: PMID: 32539940 PMCID: PMC7200128 DOI: Johan Giesecke, tidigare statsepidemiolog och i dag bland annat rådgivare åt världshälsoorganisationen WHO, gjorde under gårdagen ännu ett framträdande denna gång i TV4:s Nyhetsmorgon där han svarade på tittarnas frågor. – Det finns flera strategier som fungerar. - Giesecke J. Surveillance of infectious disease in the European Union. Lancet 1996; 348; 1534. - McCarthy N, Giesecke J. Case-case comparisons to study causation of common infectious diseases.